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Creating Web Content – 10 Creative Steps To Provide Valuable Articles

Creating Web Content – 10 Creative Steps To Provide Valuable Articles

Creating web content as an aspiring copywriter can be a very rewarding journey and a lonely one as well. When providing articles (creating relevant articles that is), press releases, videos, or content for blog posts, many of these “free” marketing strategies can be an exhausting task if you do not learn, understand, and then know how to create valuable content that will truly stand the test of time…creating web content where people repeatedly return for more of your “web content” value!

Any online marketer who desires to make any type of lasting web presence will discover there’s an uphill battle to create web content that meets the desires, demands, and needs of a particular audience, niche or market. Creating content for web pages and then managing content for the web is just one of the many struggles when catering to a “hungry, yet frugal” consumer base.

So, here you are! In your office as a novice online marketer, all excited and determined to make THE difference in the world! You have passionate desires, incredible dreams, lofty goals, and sincere expectations for yourself as a new Entrepreneur.

What do you do?

You sit there wondering how creating web content, specifically providing articles, which I believe must be to provide “valuable” articles, is going to be your “ticket” to becoming financial independent and free from your traditional B.O.S.S. (B-arely O-ffering S-uffecient S-alaries).

Well, if providing articles, by creating relevant articles and using some video techniques, is your beginning strategy on your marketing journey, then it’s crucial to your Online presence, success, and survival to begin discovering, learning, then implementing the following 10 Creative Steps To Provide Valuable Articles as a copywriter, article rewriter, honest Entrepreneur, and a trusted person of value.

When you choose to create web content using these proven steps, steps I use and many Top Producing Entrepreneurs use, you’ll save yourself some unnecessary crying outbursts, desperate heartache, wrenching hair-pulling, and sleepless nights.

Believe me! I’ve been there!! You’ll then be well on your way to making THE difference you and I compassionately desire to accomplish!

Step 1 – Conducting Relevant Keyword Research This first step cannot be emphasized enough! When you desire to get the absolute best results possible as you manage content for the web, or content for your website, your first step to create web content by providing articles is to conduct Relevant Keyword Research.

Relevant keyword research is best accomplished when using tools like Google’s Keyword Research Tool & Wonder Wheel, Article Jockey, and training from sites like Suite101. These are beginning resources that will assist you in finding the best keyword that will yield Article Clarity and Integrity, Search Engine Rank, and Cost Sufficient means when doing Direct Response Marketing like Pay-Per-Click (PPC).

Step 2 – Providing Articles From Passion and/or Life Experience The second step to create web content by providing articles is to provide content that comes from a Passion you have and/or from your Life Experiences. For me, I’m passionate about faith, inspiration, leadership, and mindset.

That’s why I exist to Inspire Your Abundant Awareness so you can experience True Freedom and a Life Transformed. It’s value from the Inside-Out.

It so happens that all of my passions are also from my life experiences, which provide more validity when I create web content. My content is valuable because I Believe in it and I’ve Lived it! People will quickly determine if your content for your website, or content for your blog posts is genuine, honest, and real. There more intelligent people than not who are searching the Internet for honest and relevant content.

When being a copywriter of relevant content, it’s best and more profitable to provide valuable articles that are passionate, from the heart, and speaks to the human emotion, which is referred to as Emotional Marketing Value (EMV).

Step 3 – Creating Web Content To Submit To EzineArticles.com The third step to create web content by providing articles is to submit to EzineArticles.com because it is recognized as the leading article directory with a successful and professionally high Alexa rating. Alexa is a company owned by Amazon.com which is a popularity and traffic ranking rating tool that provides information about websites based some on the website content.

This is partially why it’s vital to provide valuable articles when creating content for your website, creating content for web pages, and managing content for the web.

Step 4 – Posting To Your Blog, Hub Site, or Web Site The fourth step to create web content by providing articles is to post then directly to your blog, hub site, or web site. What’s important here to remember is to be consistent in providing articles that are

  • fresh
  • original
  • relevant

to your particular niche, product, and/or service Realize that when you are creating relevant articles to your blog on a regular basis, you can create a higher Alexa ranking by using content backlinks (also, “back links”), which are basically links coming from outside web page sources pointing back to your own web site.

They are also known as Inbound Links and Trackbacks on WordPress. The most basic backlink you need to be very familiar with is consider the “Anchor Text Backlinks,” which is text that is hyperlinked.

This text helps Google and other search engines know what the site being linked to is about. For example, here’s a sample code of what an Anchor Text Backlink looks like (example is for illustrations only and not a LIVE link):

<href=”http://www.websiteXYZ.com”>An Example</a>

Step 5 – Creating a Video “Ad” For Your Blog Post, Hub Site, or Web Site The fifth step to create web content by providing articles is to use some leverage when creating articles by creating a brief video “Ad” (1:30 – 3:00 minutes) from your article content.

This accomplishes two things: 1) provides a “face” or “voice” for the one providing articles and creating web content 2) allows another free marketing strategy to reach a targeted audience. If using WordPress.org, they provide many effective plug-ins that help to display video within your blog or website.

Step 6 – Creating Web Content To Submit To BetterNetworker.com The sixth step to create web content by providing articles is to submit to professional sites like BetterNetworker where professional marketers create web content to share with each other, as well as gathering targeted traffic for their business leads.

You can also submit and post your web content onto other blogs that deal with these four particular areas:

  • niches
  • your passion
  • product
  • service

When you use the Signature Boxes within blogs or even on Forums, you can create backlinks as well.

Step 7 – Submitting To Mass Article Directories The seventh step to create web content by providing articles is to submit to Mass Article Directories such as these top sites (there are over 5,000 articles directories):

  • Buzzle.com
  • EzineArticles.com
  • HubPages.com
  • Squidoo.com
  • Suite101.com

A Special Note according to VREToolbar.com: If you submit articles to gain PageRank and improve your search engine ranking, don’t waste time on article directories marked NF! (means “No Follow”)

Step 8 – Creating Web Content For a Twitter Campaign The eighth step to create web content by providing articles is to use a Twitter Campaign to tweet to your followers whenever you are providing articles to create web content. You can use helps like Bit.Ly & TinyURL to “shorten” your article titles due to Twitter’s character restraints.

Step 9 – Creating Web Content To Submit For Free Social Content Backlinks The ninth step to create web content by providing articles is to Submit for Content Backlinks. You can go review Step 4 to gather more information about content backlinks and how they can help when managing content for the web.

Step 10 – Utilize Services Like Traffic Geyser or Tube Mogul To Blast Your Video Posts Taken From Your Articles The tenth step, but not all inclusive, to create web content by providing articles is to blast your video posts with material taken from your article content. Services like Traffic Geyser or Tube Mogul can assist to get your video content broadcast to a variety of video directories like Metacafe, Viddler, and YouTube.

This type of leverage is helpful to get your content out using “free” marketing strategies.

Creating web content by using these 10 proven Steps will help any aspiring online marketer to get their content indexed, recognized, and eventually read, which hopefully will turn into converting business leads! When taking massive action, you can soon see results that will take our business to the next level.